Author: Alea Fairchild
Winter 2021 – Life in Corona times
I continue to lift either at home or at the club, depending on the governmental decisions. I won the European masters and Belgian masters champs in my age and weight category this year, two of a handful of live competitions we managed to get in during 2021. I also became a Category 1 IWF referee…
Winter 2020 – Life in Lockdown
As Belgium went into its second lockdown this Fall from the Corona virus, I took part in two different virtual weightlifting competitions. One was the European Masters (where I won a silver medal for my category, see below) and the other was the virtual Welsh Open (where I won a gold for my category). I…
Lifting in Spring 2020 in the time of Corona
I still lift at Brussels Weightlifting School (BWS), albeit virtually right now. As you will see below, I took home my barbell which was sheltering at the local CrossFit, borrowed a CrossFit set 0f 5kg discs as I did not get to BWS fast enough before the lockdown, and use my own heavier discs from…
Spring 2019 – Life at BWS
I chose to change clubs when we moved house three years ago, and am celebrating two years now at Brussels Weightlifting School (BWS) under the watchful eyes of Anna Van Bellinghen and the rest of the team. In addition, I have had video analysis coaching from the wonderful Michaela Breeze (double Olympian from Wales) for…
2018 international, in a nutshell
It has been a busy year, and as my new coach points out, I compete a lot. I finished off 2017 in Australia in October as a visitor to the Open section of the Australian, Oceanic and Pacific Rim Masters at the Gold Coast. Loved the weather, and the medal did not hurt either! From…
Belgian Masters 2017 – Waregem
Saturday 2 July 2017 was the Belgian Masters, along with the International Masters and Ladies Open in Waregem. Got six goods lifts, my Belgian Masters title and a good ranking in the overall event. Onward to Halmstad, Sweden, and the European Masters in August!
First interclub – Rochefort, Belgium – 4 Feb 2017
Got all my lifts and a decent total. Saving the big stuff for next month at the Arnold in Ohio. Meanwhile, lifted, refereed and went home to grade exams. 🙁
2016 – Japan, Tenerife, and on to Germany….
In April, I did the ultimate in roadtrips to lift in the World Cup Masters in Tokyo. I had a good time, did some international refereeing and won the silver in my group. In June, right after moving house and with my husband recovering from a small stroke, I still went to Tenerife for everyone’s…
Belgian 2016 Interclub series
Back to form, did my first one in early February, missed the second one due to work commitments, and today (2 April) did the third one with my best total since the surgery. Leave next week for Japan for the Masters Cup. Ready? Bring it on….!