International weightlifting in Waregem – 2 July 2011

Yesterday was the 2nd International Ladies Open and Masters Weightlifting in Waregem, Belgium, which is the home club of two of our main Belgian international referees, Jozef and Michel.

It was the last tournament on the first half of my season, 104kg total and second place. Now I start my “body vacation” for three weeks, enforced by family, coach and my medical team, to give my body a break.   I have five comps, two of them important, in the Fall, so now is the time to give the joints, tendons, muscles and discs a bit of a rest.

Photos are below.  I had to play around with the photo of my second place trophy, as it is in the shape of a diamond with an etching of a weightlifter on top, hard to see in a picture.

Fun ladies to hang out with, and since we were the last plateau, we spent a lot of time together…..





