Travels with my barbell

With international weightlifting, I have been to Cyprus, The Netherlands, Hungary, Australia, Poland, USA, France, Germany, Russia, Czech Republic, Greece and Austria. In 2012, I went to Azerbaijan and Ukraine, and in 2013, added Ireland and Italy to the list. In 2014, went to Europeans in Hungary and the Worlds in Denmark.  And you can see the warm-up area from my last visit to the Arnold in Ohio.   Happy to say that as of beginning of 2015, I have been competitively lifting now for 10 years as a Masters lifter.  Will see where I go this year, if the body and the wallet hold out — lifting comps are not cheap!

Pictures of these locations with me, my barbell and my lifting friends are below:


One response to “Travels with my barbell”

  1. Sabina Eschemann Avatar
    Sabina Eschemann

    Hallo Alea,

    i miss you on the EM List!!
    What about you?
    Say hello to your husband.
    Look Forward