Author: Alea Fairchild

  • Second Belgium national interclub in Waregem

    Round two of the three rounds of national interclub — my team is currently ranked third going in to this, but with illness all week for me (nasty sinus infection) and school holidays, as well as the European Senior championships in Turkey, only 19 athletes compete.   I was the only woman, although my other two…

  • Start of the 2012 season – 1st Belgian national interclub

    As my team only has four lifters this year, and one is in the hospital with a kidney infection, I had to make some decent Sinclair points for the team.   So I made sure I made weight (was 67 kg for the under 69kg category), and got all my lifts.  Plus 1/2….   The racker…

  • California Lifting, on such a winter’s day….

      Went to the US for a business trip, great weather of 20c / 68F, and via good friends at USAW, hooked up with the folks at Catalyst Athletics  (thanks to Greg, Aimee, Steve and the whole team) for some training between business meetings.   Ran into my Masters buddy Mercedes Dickinson, who filmed me on…

  • Last national Interclub

    End of season, just back from the World Masters, and I have to lift today as my teammate Sarah is in Paris working with the World Senior event.   So I take it down half a notch, and do a perfect performance of six good lifts, all white lights.  Coach and national federation chairman both very…

  • Worlds Away! 2011 World Masters championship

    Photos below, just got back, very tired and a lot on the plate for work, so will comment later.  

  • Flemish (and Wallonian) Championships 2011

    OK, again we have doubled up like last year and held the two together, mainly due to three things: lack of referees, lack of venues and lack of equipment.    That being said, it was run well and finished in time for us all to get back home before dark. Third competition in three weeks for…

  • Belgian Masters 2011 / Grand Prix Adry

    This is comp month: one last week in Italy, one this weekend in Enghien, and one next weekend in Seraing. This one was the Belgian Masters, along with a fun comp for the non-Masters called Grand Prix Adry.  We used to win very large beers in this one, so this year we had to live…

  • European Masters Games – Italy

    Back from some of the hottest / most humid weather I have experienced in quite a while.  Lifting photos will be coming, here are two shots of Venice and one of the medals for my class/age.   OK, many thanks to Trisha for the additions above.        

  • Gym Sweet Garage

    Like other lifters I know, I have a need for a home set-up, so finally got it installed last week.  Our garage is reasonably small, but this just fits.  Makes racking hard, as evidenced by the slight injury of yesterday when my hand and the disc had a tight relationship (got pinched and bruised), but…