World Masters Games 2013 – Turin, Italy

I really debated if I wanted to go to this competition.  I had enjoyed the WMG in Australia in 2009, but having been to the EMG in Italy in 2011, I know how hot it can be and how vicious the mosquitoes can be in Italy.    But the WMG atmosphere is fun, you meet lots of inspiring people and I have a lot of lifting friends I only see once a year.   When I saw the start list in June, and how many lifters there were in my categories (plural, more on that later),  I knew I would not get a medal.  But that is not why I lift (unlike some folks)  so that was not the factor for me to go or not.  But it was expensive both as a trip and as a competition.  Not sure if I go lift again to a hot summer location, clearly my body does not like it!

I did what I could on the day knowing this comp was not that important to me this year given what is going on in my life right now. I came 4th in the -75kg class. In terms of weight category, during the summer I take allergy pills and the allergy season is very late this year.   These pills usually put some weight on me, so I was not sure where I was going to be on the day, -69 or -75 kg category.   Turns out I was borderline, so I had the luxury of choosing up or down, so I went up and enjoyed the Italian pasta meals.  That part of the trip was good.  🙂

The actual event was not at all good.  It was far too warm (38C which is roughly 100F) and too small, with no air conditioning, no air movement and several vicious mosquitoes.  It lacked the atmosphere of previous Worlds, as people were not staying to socialize, as it was too warm to be there and there was not a real place to socialize there except for a very small concession stand at the back.   Just to note that using a squat toilet in your weightlifting gear should not be considered part of the warm-up routine. As usual, the warm-up area for the women was not properly equipped and we had to share many on a bar to use the plastic discs. The main problem is that the event was administratively organized and NOT LIFTER-CENTRIC!  Many of the services lifters expect (like ice, an area to stretch, proper communication, certificates of participation, etc) were also not there.  The WMG gave everyone a generic certificate in their welcome bag even before you competed.

I was disappointed, but I knew I would be going into this so it was not a surprise.   Others were more pessimistic as I was, and one lady lifter from Germany drove to Italy so she could bring her own bar and plastic warm-up discs! Some of the Australian ladies brought small 2.5kg discs in their luggage for the warm-up as well.  That should tell you something.

I did not lift well, as I was not concentrating that well in the heat.  Not an excuse, just a reality.  Sandra coached me, and had to tell me a few times to wake up!     Given his health, I did not bring my husband to this environment, it would not have been good for him. A couple of lifting photo taken by Jozef have been added below.

On the plus side, I met some really cool people at my hotel, including a 89 year old lady swimmer from Canada who was competing in 4 events and was already looking forward to the next WMG in 2017 so she can compete in a new age category!  I also met a lovely Tasmanian couple who were there for the Archery and we had some good chats.

Mosquitoes got me in several places, see photos, so off to the doctor this morning for meds.

More fun at the next comp in Dublin!

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