Waregem Intl – 6 July 2013

Today, I had to be one of the guys.

I will explain.  Thursday night, my husband went to a business dinner and Fri morning, was ill from the food of the dinner.   With his hypertension on his heart, by noon, he was weak and had to lie down and his office called an ambulance and took him to Emergency.   Because of his existing heart condition, they decided to keep him in the hospital for observation and medication over the weekend.   I found all this out early evening when they admitted him to the coronary unit.  And I could not come in outside of visiting hours, as it was not ICU, but CCU.

So he called me Sat morning and told me to go lift, as I could not come visit until the afternoon.  So the competition organisers let me lift in the first plateau at the 2pm start, so I could make it to visiting hours on time.  But then I had to lift with the 70 year old men, and use the men’s bar, which has a different diameter and length than my normal women’s bar.    But Love conquers all, so I went ahead and did it.  Did I mention I can lift more than some men?  🙂

So photos are below, and the bar is 20kg, and 2.2 metres long, vs. 15kg and 2 m.  So the discs you see on the end are not the colours I am used to seeing, but what the heck.   Got 4 for 6, and a decent total.   Got third out of six women in terms of kilos, and the two that beat me are both younger and excellent lifters, so third is cool.  😉

My husband is feeling better, and should be back home shortly after the weekend. Thanks for your concern, and for the folks at the comp, thanks for all your help. Shows what a great community the lifting family really is.  I had one lifter who had my phone in case the hospital called, one taking pictures, one of the Dutch coaches helping me at the plateau, and two of the guys I was warming up with helping  me as well.   On to Torino for the World Master Games…. !




