Final Belgian Interclub – Powersport Zaventem (my home club) – 18 May 2013

Yes, after 8 years here, I finally get to lift in competition at my home club.  It was an early morning as I came in advance to help set up with the guys.   Lifting was okay, but not great, given I lifted last week in Austria at the Grand Prix. I worked the second plateau as a side referee as well, so tired bunny afterwards.  Today, I go back to the club this morning to help with clean-up, and then I leave for Brazil for a week for an academic research conference. Everyone keeps asking me to bring back some sunshine. And yes, we have another flood warning for rain today 🙁

No, I did not go to the European Masters this year, too expensive and bad timing for me in terms of work as I leave now for Brazil. I suspect others lifters felt the same way about being too expensive, as most of the active Masters lifters in Belgium were at my comp yesterday here in Brussels.

Photos below, including Phillipine levitating a bar 😉   She won first and I won second place of women in the national interclub series, Fanny won third (but she was not there today).




