Off to the Arnold 2013….

Later this week, I will be lifting at the Arnold, in beautiful Columbus, Ohio, USA. Website:

Hard to explain this event, as this is technically a local meet, but with lifters from all over the world coming to have a go.  Approx. 220 of us are lifting in a three day meet, with Masters lifting on Friday. I have been also asked to guest referee, as they are short-handed.  The event is hosted by the local but well-known Columbus Weightlifting Club (

This is my third Arnold, having competed in 2010 and 2011.  Last year, the Arnold functioned as the USA Olympic team trials, so no Masters lifting there!  And yes, it is THAT Arnold we are talking about.

Photos and whatever else I can get my paws on will be posted on my return. Sorry, no Livestream, just lots of lifting.




