Belgian Masters championships and the Grand Prix Adry

This competition is always fun, and well organised, and usually involves large beer as prizes, although not for the last two years 🙁  But I always find my way to the bar and a cold Pink Killer after lifting in Enghien!

Anyway, this was my third competition in four weeks, which really is too much at my age, but okay, relaxed and did it anyway.  And got my best result in terms of kg for the last four weeks, so something must be okay.  Got 5 for 6, as my second jerk did not go well, so re-did it the lift for the third clean and jerk and got it. The three ladies from CHFS were good company, and my fellow Masters always fun to be with. I am again Belgian Masters champion for women, which is very nice.

My husband accidentally hit the wrong setting on the camera on to the fish-eye lens, so some of the pictures are rather funny looking until we figured this out, but that just adds to their value.   I love and appreciate my husband for taking pictures for me, and helping coach me.  What a wonderful guy!

A bit of a break for me now, may/may not be doing the Belgian seniors in three weeks, need some rest first. We will see.  Finally opened the 1+kg bag of Peanut butter M&Ms that Corinne gave me when we were in Lviv.  Discipline!






