Start of the 2012 season – 1st Belgian national interclub

As my team only has four lifters this year, and one is in the hospital with a kidney infection, I had to make some decent Sinclair points for the team.   So I made sure I made weight (was 67 kg for the under 69kg category), and got all my lifts.  Plus 1/2….   The racker misracked my second clean and jerk, and when I cleaned it, it felt weird.  I started to jerk, realized it was off, and dropped it.  I pointed out the mistake, and got a re-lift after the weight was fixed, and got it.    So a decent 6 for 6, and a total of 108, which is tied with my personal best (PB)  — still room for improvement!

Two very long plateaus, as the Federation had two people taking their national referee exam, which means they need to referee as center referee for at least 50 attempts.  So each plateau had at least 12 lifters, which means 72 bars per plateau.

Photos below, thanks to my lovely husband.




